Richard St. Claire, K6VJ has accepted the position, District Emergency Coordinator/ San Mateo County, Bay Side. Richard succeeds Peter Liljequist, AA6PL in this capacity. Also, please welcome these Emergency Coordinators: Bob De Franco / KK6CBL (San Carlos); Steve Firpo / KF6PFZ (South San Francisco); Bob Doerr / KA6REL (San Mateo). Thank you all. […]
Spring Red Cross Emergency Communications Drill Set
The spring 2021 Red Cross Nationwide Emergency Communications Winlink Drill will be held on May 8, which is World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day 2021. Details and instructions are available. Sign up for email updates. Ahead of the May nationwide exercise, the American Red Cross (ARC) Emergency Communications training group will continue its […]
Reference via WT1IM: Comm Academy – FREE Online EmComm Training Event
I’m contacting you to invite folks from your Sections to consider joining Comm Academy 2021, a free online training and workshop event taking place on April 10 and 11. Comm Academy is for anyone with an interest in emergency communications techniques and technologies. Most folks who attend are part of an ARES, RACES, ACS, or […]
Amateur Radio Helping to Fill Earthquake Report “Donut Holes”
An article describing how radio amateurs can help fill the information “donut hole” by providing post-earthquake “did you feel it” (DYFI) reports via Winlink HF radio email appeared on February 22 in the American Geophysical Union (AGU) magazine Eos. As the article points out, “Ham radio networks gear up to provide real-time, on-the-ground information about […]
ARRL CEO David Minster, NA2AA, to Keynote QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo
ARRL CEO David Minster, NA2AA, will keynote the QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo March 13 – 14 weekend. Minster’s talk — part of an 80+ speaker lineup — will begin at 2000 UTC (3 PM EST) on March 13. His appearance will highlight ARRL’s featured role at the Expo, which also will include “Ask The […]
ARRL Board Considers Plan to Cover New $35 FCC Fee for Some Young Applicants
At its Annual Meeting in January, the ARRL Board of Directors considered a motion to offer a new service that would pay the new but not-yet implemented $35 FCC application fee for a limited number of new radio amateurs younger than age 18 who, at the time of testing, belonged to an ARRL Affiliated 501(c)(3) […]
ARES Volunteers Reported Responding to Severe Weather
Weather gone wild might be an apt description of the conditions in many parts of the US, with sub-freezing temperatures in areas not prepared for that sort of thing. Aberrant weather seems to be happening across many US regions. Snow has fallen in Texas and Oklahoma, accompanied by record-setting temperature readings. The severe weather has […]
ARRL to Extend Field Day Rule Waivers from 2020, Add Class D and E Power Limit
The COVID-19 pandemic-modified ARRL Field Day rules from 2020 will continue this June with the addition of a power limit imposed on Class D (Home Stations) and Class E (Home Stations-Emergency Power) participants. The news from the ARRL Board’s Programs and Services Committee comes as many clubs and groups are starting preparations for Field Day […]
Summits on the Air (SOTA)
Peter / WB6POT and Rick / W5RJD were at Montevina Ridge above Los Gatos on February 13, successfully working QRP CW to Japan with an Elecraft KX2 and wire antenna. An impressive operation; elevation really makes a difference ! Images are posted to our section page on Facebook The following references are courtesy W5RJD […]
ARRL to FCC: Additional Volunteer Examiner Coordinators Not Needed
ARRL has told the FCC that no additional Volunteer Examiner Coordinators (VEC) are needed to oversee the administration of amateur radio exams by Volunteer Examiners (VEs). Examination opportunities have continued to be widely available throughout the US — except for a couple of months during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic — and adding VECs […]