FCC to Require Email Addresses on Applications

QST, via ARRL Headquarters, 12/02/2020: FCC to Require Email Addresses on Applications http://www.arrl.org/news/fcc-to-require-email-addresses-on-applications Amateur radio licensees and candidates will have to provide the FCC with an email address on applications, effective sometime in mid-2021. If no email address is included, the FCC may dismiss the application as defective. The FCC is fully transitioning to electronic […]

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Nathan Simington Confirmed as Newest FCC Member

Via ARRL HQ, 12/09/2020: Nathan Simington Confirmed as Newest FCC Member http://www.arrl.org/news/nathan-simington-confirmed-as-newest-fcc-member On a 49 – 46 vote, the US Senate on December 9 confirmed Nathan Simington to be a Commissioner at the FCC. Simington previously served as a senior advisor at the US Department of Commerce. Earlier, he was a legal associate at various […]

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The New ARRL Contests Portal

QST, via ARRL — “The new ARRL Contests Portal https://contests.arrl.org/ is your one-stop shop for all of your ARRL contest interests (Log Submission, Logs Received, Raw Scores, Searchable access to scores and Contest Records, Log Checking Reports, Online Certificates, Club Membership Eligibility lists, etc). From here you can access everything from the starting bell of […]

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ARRL Headquarters’ Articles of Interest

ARRL Headquarters has forwarded several articles of interest. The first is on ham radio of yesteryear:      “CLARK, NJ – A brown house with lots of glass panels, hidden in overgrowth for years, situated across from Manny’s Diner on Raritan Road, was recently demolished and will soon be replaced by apartments. In the 1950s, […]

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ARES Matters

Our PIO has prepared this excellent article on ARES matters — Santa Cruz County ARES Mastered Social Distance With “SAFE” by Allison Hershey (KM6RMN)  In the spring of 2020, EC John Gerhardt (N6QX) saw event after event postponed, then canceled as COVID-19 spread around California. Santa Cruz County’s ARES groups traditionally provided communications for Strawberry […]

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FCC Reduces Proposed Amateur Radio Application Fee

QST via ARRL, 12/30/2020 — FCC Reduces Proposed Amateur Radio Application Fee to $35 The FCC has agreed with ARRL and other commenters that its proposed $50 fee for certain amateur radio applications was “too high to account for the minimal staff involvement in these applications.” In a Report and Order (R&O), released on December […]

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Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays ! I hope that you’re all doing well, and enjoying the substantially improved band conditions. I continue to hunt rare, weak signal CW DX using fully operational analog gear from the 1970s. To be sure, some things never change. Ongoing research in wire antenna design has yielded increased gain and directivity. The CQ […]

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November Sweepstakes

Fall is here, and I hope that you’re all doing well, and staying safe. There’s been all kinds of activity in the section. We are fortunate to have multiple contributors to this month’s newsletter. Thank you, all ! ARRL November Sweepstakes is rapidly approaching. HF operators — this one’s for you ! http://www.arrl.org/sweepstakes Contest Objective: […]

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Emergency Equipment

Via John Parks / W6JPP: If any club has any emergency equipment that can be deployed in time of local, state or national emergency please contact me at [email protected] as I am trying to compile a list of who can be contacted so we can lend communication support to the official agencies that might need […]

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