The ARRL has sections, which are enthusiastic ham volunteers (Field Organization) to help conduct Section Business. Here are the people in the Santa Clara Valley that support our section.
James Armstrong / NV6W, Section Manager (SM)
Wayne Opp / N6BTU, Assistant Section Manager (ASM)
John Parks / W6JPP, Assistant Section Manager (ASM)
Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC), Vacant
Tim Howard / KE6TIM, District Emergency Coordinator (DEC)
John Gerhardt / N6QX, District Emergency Coordinator (DEC)
Tim Takeuchi / W6TST, District Emergency Coordinator (DEC); Public Information Officer (PIO)
Jeneen Sommers / W6NCS, Emergency Coordinator (EC)
Gale Foss / KK6EIW, District Emergency Coordinator (DEC), Monterey
Peter Chupity / KI6FAO / District Emergency Coordinator (DEC); Emergency Coordinator (EC)
Richard St. Claire / K6VJ, District Emergency Coordinator (DEC)
Robert Lombaerde / WB6WGM, Emergency Coordinator (EC)
Jon Mosby / KF6RFQ, Emergency Coordinator (EC)
Bob DeFranco / KK6CBL, Emergency Coordinator (EC)
Bob Doerr / KA6REL, Emergency Coordinator (EC)
Steve Firpo / KF6PFZ, Emergency Coordinator (EC)
Jeffrey Goshorn / AJ6VF, Emergency Coordinator (EC), Half Moon Bay
Curt Kolovson / W6RQ, Emergency Coordinator (EC)
Linda Bennett / W6LJB, Assistant District Emergency Coordinator (ADEC)
Heatherly Takeuchi / N6HKT, Public Information Officer (PIO)
Lisa Chupity / W6LSC, Public Information Officer (PIO)
Allison Hershey / KM6RMN, Public Information Officer (PIO)
Don Anastasia / AA6W, Public Information Officer (PIO)
Rachel Kinoshita / KK6DAC, Technical Specialist
Russ Bentson, K6KLY
DXCC / WAS / VUCC card checker