ARRL 2021 Annual Report Now Available to Download

ARRL 2021 Annual Report Now Available to Download08/23/2022 ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio® has published its 2021 Annual Report. The report summarizes ARRL’s program and fiscalactivity for the year. In his introductory remarks, ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, said that the organization moved steadily forward in 2021, gaining momentum after the challenges that […]

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Simultaneous APRS and Voice Repeater on the International Space Station

Simultaneous APRS and Voice Repeater on the International Space Station08/15/2022 ARISS, Amateur Radio on the International Space Station, announced that simultaneous operations of the ARISS Voice Repeater and digital APRS communications on the Space Station are now a reality. Current ARISS operations include voice repeater transmissions with the JVC Kenwood D710GA in the Columbus module […]

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The 2021 ARRL Technical Innovation Award Honors Wojciech Kaczmarski, SP5WWP

Via ARRL — The 2021 ARRL Technical Innovation Award Honors Wojciech Kaczmarski, SP5WWP07/15/2022 The 2021 ARRL Technical Innovation Award honors Wojciech Kaczmarski, SP5WWP, for developing a new digital radio communication protocol, M17, for the good of amateur radio. M17 is a new open-source and patent-free digital radio protocol with a goal to provide a fully […]

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FCC Legacy CORES System to be Retired

Via ARRL — FCC Legacy CORES System to be Retired07/07/2022 The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will retire the Legacy version of its Commission Registration System (CORES) on July 15, 2022. CORES is the FCC’s public-facing database that enables and tracks certain types of FCC and FCC applicant actions, including amateur radio applications and licenses. Its […]

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Lewis and Clark Trail OTA

Lewis and Clark Trail OTA, by Marilyn Melhorn, AF7MM Our first LCTOTA event was a bigger success than we thought it would be. We were happy with the activity and the results. As you know, Lewis and Clark set out for a two year journey from Pennsylvania to Oregon in 1804. Thomas Jefferson sent them […]

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QST is Now Offering a Column for Clubs

Via ARRL – QST is Now Offering a Column for Clubs ARRL invites you to be part of “Club Station”, the newest column in QST. This column, written by clubs, for clubs, is a designated space to share specific and practical ideas about what has contributed to successful clubs to help others grow and thrive. […]

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Congratulations to Pat O’Coffey / KJ6GMG

Congratulations to Pat O’Coffey / KJ6GMG, who has returned to our section as the Emergency Coordinator for the South Skyline area, in San Mateo County. DEC Linda Bennett / W6LJB writes, “Pat was instrumental in keeping essential communications going during the CZU fires here, and we have added many new ARES members in her area.” […]

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Congratulations to Our New Field Organization Appointees

Congratulations to our new Field Organization appointees –  Gale Foss / KK6EIW succeeds Alan Jump / N5ILN as Monterey County DEC, effective July 1, 2022. Jeffrey Goshorn / AJ6VF succeeds Lee Copeland / AJ6BN as Half Moon Bay’s new EC, also effective July 1. Thanks, Alan and Lee, for your service. […]

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ARRL Santa Clara Valley’s QSL Checking Service

ARRL Santa Clara Valley’s QSL checking service Russ Bentson / K6KLY, is a past president of NCDXC, and a DXCC / WAS / VUCC card checker in our section.  Russ relates that he checks one or two sets of cards per week. He has been a card checker for 15 years, following his appointment by ARRL […]

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The National Traffic System (NTS) affiliate Northern California Net (NCN)

The National Traffic System (NTS) affiliate Northern California Net (NCN) has continued its CW operations for over 40 years. This message was received from the group’s lead net control station, WB6UZX – “Yes, NCN is still going on both sessions. I have been the net manager for a while. Some members must have moved away at […]

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