This reference courtesy ARRL ARES Letter dated May 19, 2021 — Successful Red Cross Emergency Communications Spring 2021 Drill Summary The Red Cross Emergency Communications Training Group held its third nationwide drill on Saturday, May 8. The results are still being compiled and checked as this is written, but it appears that approximately 800 radio […]
May’s Red Cross Emergency Communications Drill Was a Success
May’s Red Cross emergency communications drill was a success. Here’s the announcement of the event, from the organizers. “The spring Red Cross nationwide emergency communications drill will be held on Saturday, May 8th, with Red Cross, ARES and other operators asked to demonstrate the ability to deliver digital messages using Red Cross forms to specific […]
April 2021 Volunteer Monitor Program Report Released
April 2021 Volunteer Monitor Program Report Released05/13/2021 The Volunteer Monitor (VM) Program is a joint initiative between ARRL and FCC to enhance compliance in the Amateur Radio Service. A General class renewal applicant withdrew his application after FCC notice that the renewal application would be held up pending review of Volunteer Monitor complaints. As a […]
First-Time Exam Applicants Must Obtain FCC Registration Number Before Taking Exam
QST de W1AWARRL Bulletin 15 ARLB015From ARRL HeadquartersNewington CT May 7, 2021To all radio amateursSB QST ARL ARLB015 First-Time Exam Applicants Must Obtain FCC Registration Number before Taking Exam Beginning May 20, 2021, all amateur examination applicants will be required to provide an FCC Registration Number (FRN) to the Volunteer Examiners (VEs) before taking an […]
Russian Robinson Club Announces Activation of Rare IOTA Islands in the Aleutians
Russian Robinson Club Announces Activation of Rare IOTA Islands in the Aleutians05/03/2021 The Russian Robinson Club (RRC) has resumed its plans to activate rare Kiska Island (IOTA NA-070) and Adak Island (IOTA NA-039) in Alaska’s Aleutian Islands chain in July for Islands on the Air (IOTA) enthusiasts. Plans to activate these islands in 2020 were […]
Via ARC EmComm Winlink Technical Moderator
Via ARC EmComm Winlink Technical Moderator, April 30, 2021 — The spring Red Cross nationwide emergency communications drill will be held on Saturday, May 8th, with Red Cross, ARES and other operators asked to demonstrate the ability to deliver digital messages using Red Cross forms to specific addresses via Winlink. For this exercise, participants are […]
FCC Auto-Registration Feature for Exam Applicants to be Discontinued
QST de W1AWARRL Bulletin 14 ARLB014From ARRL HeadquartersNewington CT April 27, 2021To all radio amateurs SB QST ARL ARLB014ARLB014 FCC Auto-Registration Feature for Exam Applicants to beDiscontinued Auto-registration in the FCC Commission Registration System (CORES) amateur radio exam for candidates using a Social Security number will be discontinued on May 20, 2021. Applicants must use […]
ARRL, American Red Cross Renew Memorandum of Understanding
ARRL, American Red Cross Renew Memorandum of Understanding04/22/2021 ARRL and the American Red Cross (ARC) have renewed their long-standing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for another 5 years. The MOU spells out how ARRL and the American Red Cross will work cooperatively during a disaster response. “We are pleased to extend our partnership with the American […]
Upswing in Solar Cycle 25 Activity May Have Begun
Upswing in Solar Cycle 25 Activity May Have Begun04/21/2021 Frank Donovan, W3LPL, says the long-anticipated significant increase in Solar Cycle 25 activity may have begun on April 19. “As a result, 30- and 20-meter nighttime propagation and 17- and 15-meter daytime propagation is likely to be enhanced through at least April 26. The solar flux […]
Registration is Open for Virtual Visalia 2021
Registration is Open for Virtual Visalia 202104/21/2021 The 72nd meeting of the International DX Convention, aka “Visalia,” is now open for registration. The virtual 2-day meeting, sponsored by the Northern California DX Club (NCDXC) will be held on Saturday, May 15, and Sunday, May 16, via Zoom webinars. In addition to a safe, front-row seat […]