RTTY Service Station K6KPH, operating from the Maritime Radio Historical Society (MRHS, https://www.radiomarine.org/), is officially back on the air. K6KPH also transmits W1AW Qualifying Run texts and the W1AW Field Day Bulletin. The station was off the air due to COVID-19 restrictions and antenna damage. Repairs to the transmitter site in Bolinas, California, were performed […]
ARRL, RSGB Announce Joint Events to Celebrate Centenary of Ham Radio Transatlantic Success
ARRL, RSGB Announce Joint Events to Celebrate Centenary of Ham Radio Transatlantic Success09/23/2021 ARRL and the Radio Society of Great Britain will jointly sponsor events to celebrate the achievement of transatlantic communications by radio amateurs 100 years ago. In December 1921, ARRL sent Paul F. Godley, 2ZE, as its representative to listen for amateur signals […]
August 2021 Volunteer Monitor Program Report
August 2021 Volunteer Monitor Program Report09/09/2021 The Volunteer Monitor (VM) Program is a joint initiative between ARRL and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to enhance compliance in the Amateur Radio Service. This is the VM Program Report for August 2021. Licensees in Pawcatuck, Connecticut; Wamego, Kansas; Valley Cottage, New York; Long Valley, New Jersey; Columbia, […]
GENESIS Ham Satellites among Payloads Lost in Launch Failure
GENESIS Ham Satellites among Payloads Lost in Launch Failure09/07/2021 The GENESIS-L and GENESIS-N ham radio satellites were among several carrying amateur radio payloads lost following the failure of the Firefly Alpha rocket during its first launch on September 2 from the Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. An anomaly occurred about 2 minutes into the […]
ARRL Board Establishes Program to Cover Initial FCC License Fee for Young Applicants
ARRL Board Establishes Program to Cover Initial FCC License Fee for Young Applicants09/01/2021 The ARRL Board of Directors has formally endorsed a proposed program calling on ARRL to cover the $35 application fee for license candidates younger than 18 years old. The FCC is not expected to implement the $35 application fee schedule until sometime […]
Special Bulletin 11 ARLX011
QST de W1AWSpecial Bulletin 11 ARLX011From ARRL HeadquartersNewington CT August 31, 2021To all radio amateurs SB SPCL ARL ARLX011ARLX011 FEMA Announces HF Interoperability Activity on 60-Meter Channels 1 and 2 Channels 1 and 2 on 60 meters will be available starting on August 30 for interoperability between US government and US amateur radio stations involved […]
Grant Awarded to SC4ARES Group
Grant Awarded to SC4ARES GroupBy Lisa Short Chupity, W6LSC, PIO for SC4ARC/ARES The SC4ARES group is pleased to announce they are the recipients of a generous grant from Puente de la Costa del Sur Fire Relief Fund to build five (5) mobile emergency communications stations. These stations are self-contained, self-powered and fully equipped to be […]
An Odd Pandemic Victim
An Odd Pandemic VictimBy Suellene Petersen, K6CPA, PIC, Santa Clara Valley Section, PacificDivision It was Field Day Saturday when Steve, AC6P, decided to finish tilting up an HF tribander so that he could make lots of contacts. What is wrong with this plan? Well, Steve should have had at least one more guy to help […]
Hurricane Watch Net Activates for “Catastrophic” Hurricane Ida
Hurricane Watch Net Activates for “Catastrophic” Hurricane Ida08/29/2021 The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) is on Alert Level 5, “Catastrophic Response Mode,” as Hurricane Ida heads toward landfall on the coast of Louisiana today — the 16th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina — after gaining considerable strength in the Gulf of Mexico. The net, on 14.325 and […]
FCC Grants Temporary Waiver
FCC Grants Temporary Waiver to Permit Higher Symbol Rate Data Transmissions for Hurricane Ida Traffic Sunday, August 29, 2021 The FCC has granted an ARRL emergency request for a temporary waiver intended to facilitate relief communications in the wake of Hurricane Ida. The waiver was orally granted on Saturday, August 28, and immediately permitted amateur […]