Senator Blumenthal Supports Amateur Radio at Senate Confirmation Hearing12/04/2021 Senator Richard Blumenthal (CT) received an affirmative reply from FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel when he asked her to commit to providing his office “an update on the steps that the FCC is taking to support amateur radio operators.” The Senator posed the written question as part […]
IARU Reports Another Over-the-Horizon Radar System is Under Construction in India
IARU Reports Another Over-the-Horizon Radar System is Under Construction in India12/01/2021 In October, the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 1 Monitoring System (IARUMS) newsletter reported on the continuing run of over-the-horizon radar (OTHR) troublemakers that often cause severe interference on amateur radio bands — primarily in IARU Regions 1 and 3 but are audible […]
Alan Jump / N5ILN Has Been Appointed Monterey County DEC
QST — Alan Jump / N5ILN has been appointed Monterey County DEC following the unexpected passing of Louis Arbanas / NJ6H. Lou was among our very best; a true ally, and a mainstay in our section. He’ll be greatly missed. […]
Remembering Lou Arbanas
Remembering Lou ArbanasBy Suellene Petersen / K6CPA, PIC In the good old days before the current pandemic restrictions, my husband, Steve Petersen A6CP, and I were part of the Santa Cruz VE group which not only provided license testing but also had a teaching section which provided study sessions for licensing the first two levels. […]
Space Debris Concerns
Space Debris Concerns — via ARRL Russia tested an anti-satellite weapon on November 15, destroying Kosmos 1408, one of its own old and now-defunct satellites. Launched in 1982, Kosmos 1408 was some 300 miles above Earth. Its destruction generated a debris field in low-Earth orbit that prompted the seven International Space Station crew members, including […]
October 2021 Volunteer Monitor Program Report
October 2021 Volunteer Monitor Program Report11/11/2021 The Volunteer Monitor (VM) Program is a joint initiative between ARRL and the FCC to enhance compliance in the Amateur Radio Service. This is the October VM Program report. Technician operators in Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts, and Richmond, Texas, received Advisory Notices after making numerous FT8 contacts on 40 and […]
Solo DXpeditioner Says Operating From Crozet is Limited by Nature
Solo DXpeditioner Says Operating from Crozet is Limited by Nature — via ARRL, 11/11/2021 The recent announcement of a pending 3-month DXpedition to activate Crozet Island (FT5W) in 2022 – 2023 has generated enthusiasm within the DX community. Right on the heels of the announcement, the Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF) pledged $20,000 to support […]
Message From John / N6QX, Our Santa Cruz County DEC
The following message from John / N6QX, our Santa Cruz County DEC, is reproduced here, in its entirety — “After many years of service, Bert Bailey, KG6MBA, has resigned as Emergency Coordinator of the Loma Prieta Area of Santa Cruz County ARES. In his place, he and I nominate Mike Myers, AC6E. Mike is a […]
ASRTU-1 CubeSat with V/u FM Transponder Submitted for IARU Coordination
ASRTU-1 CubeSat with V/u FM Transponder Submitted for IARU Coordination11/03/2021 China’s Harbin Institute of Technology has applied for IARU Coordination of the ASRTU-1 CubeSat. Among other capabilities, the satellite will provide a V/u FM amateur radio transponder. ASRTU-1 is a 12U CubeSat mission designed by Russian and Chinese university students for education and amateur radio. […]
Russia-Ukraine “Radio War” Trying Patience of IARU Region 1 Monitoring System
Russia-Ukraine “Radio War” Trying Patience of IARU Region 1 Monitoring System10/28/2021 The International Amateur Radio Union Region 1 Monitoring System (IARUMS) reports in the September issue of the IARUMS newsletter that the Russian-Ukrainian “radio war” on and around 7055 kHz continues to be a major source of frustration. IARUMS Region 1 Coordinator Peter Jost, HB9CET, […]