The Hernandez Valley Repeater is Now in Service

QST: The Hernandez Valley repeater is now in service.  This reference courtesy Ron / KD6ZXG:

“We finished the first phase of our Hernandez Valley repeater project. The repeater is now in service and serves the extreme southeastern part of San Benito County.  Specifically, this repeater covers the Bitterwater, Clear Creek and Hernandez Valley region of our county. 

At the present time, it is only a “stand alone” repeater and it is not linked to our interconnected repeater network. The next phase of the project is to link this repeater to our other three repeaters so will we have seamless communication throughout the county.

The frequency is 146.985 MHz (-) with a PL of 118.8.  Because of the area that it serves, you can not reach this repeater in Hollister but as you travel south on Highway 25 it will come in just north of Bitterwater Valley. 

Thanks goes out to the many hams who worked on this project including Billy W6WKB, Robert K9OHV, Brent KG6KPD, Jim KI6KD, Joe KK6ZWM, Tim W6TST, and Heatherly N6HKT.   And a special thanks to Clark KK6UGA who coordinated much of the work including the roof and solar aspects of the project.

We will still be working to finish this project up, so if you would like to be notified of future workdays, let me know.” 

[email protected]

Here’s a great image of the site —